Your Patience Deserves a Duck / by Kitundu

20120117-231256.jpgLike this Falcated Duck that should be wintering at about this latitude but on the other side of the Pacific.

20120117-231442.jpg It seems comfortable in its new role as the main attraction at Colusa Wildlife Refuge.

20120117-231831.jpg The new guy isn't shy or retiring in the least. Lucky for us because this is a stunning bird.

20120117-232317.jpg It was often busy teaching the American Wigeons some sort of lesson.


20120117-232614.jpg After the chase, it strategically placed a stick between itself and the throng of photographers, then contentedly preened in all its falcated glory.

20120117-232632.jpg By the way, thank you for your patience. My Internet drought should be over by Friday. I'm posting by phone right now but soon the daily posts will begin again.