A brief walk in the rain / by Kitundu

I’ve been in the house with my sick child for a couple of days so I decided to go for a stroll at Union Bay Natural Area even though it was raining. What started out as a mild drizzle became a proper rain and didn’t let up while I walked the loop. There wasn’t much light and things at a distance became difficult to discern. Thankfully the camera can resolve more detail than my eyes can through foggy glasses.

Aside from the Northern Shovelers spinning in circles on the rain textured pond, there were Mallards, Gadwall, a distant audible Belted Kingfisher, a cormorant who descended through the mist to scratch a landing in the little pond and, after I kept walking I noticed an unfamiliar shape on a distant nest box .

A closer look revealed a Great Blue Heron, still as night, peering into the darkness. I couldn’t tell what had attracted them. Was it a mouse? A snake?

As much patience as I tend to have in these situations the rain was getting heavier, and so was my coat since I don’t have proper rain gear, so I went on my way and was delighted to hear, and then see, two very distant Bald Eagles flying toward the trees near the stadium. A brief, lovely, and very soggy stroll. Even on the gloomy days it really makes a difference to venture outside when you can.